Influence of Self-Regulation of Learning on the Academic Performance of Secondary Students






This work analyzes the capacity for self-regulation of learning in secondary and high school students and its influence on the completion of their academic tasks and academic performance. One of the key aspects of the student training process, at all educational stages, is self-regulation in learning, since at stake is the achievement of one's own educational goals. Self-regulation constitutes, from this perspective, a mediating element in the process of academic adaptation and in the prevention of early school leaving. Following an ex post-facto empirical-analytical method, the objective of the study was to analyze whether the self-regulation process followed by ESO and Baccalaureate students influenced their academic performance. Starting from a socio-constructivist perspective and taking into consideration the phases of Zimmerman's (2002) cyclical model for the self-regulation of learning, a questionnaire was developed and applied to a sample of 309 secondary and high school students. The results obtained showed that there is a relationship between self-regulation of learning and performance in studies. Specifically, those students who obtained better academic grades achieved high levels of self-regulation of learning, in its three main dimensions: planning, execution and self-evaluation.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Pérez, P. R., López-Aguilar, D., & Pérez-González, S. H. (2024). Influence of Self-Regulation of Learning on the Academic Performance of Secondary Students. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 14(3), 341–360.


